11 replies
  1. Jacob McMillen says:

    Dang. That’s rough stuff for Fry’s. You need your system to be flawless come holiday season.
    I like how you turned a common, relatable experience into a gut-check for webmasters. This is NOT something we want happening this time of year.

    • Brian Massey says:

      One irony is that I found a similar problem on Guitar Center as well (my positive example above). I was spending over $500 with them! The money they are throwing away will more than pay for a us to come in and find these issues.

      • Jacob McMillen says:

        wow. You’d think companies of that size would be doing regular user-experience testing. Really baffling. Were you able to make contact with them, fix their problem and get paid?

        • Brian Massey says:

          The opportunity is for smaller company who can out QA and out-convert bigger-budgeted rivals.
          We sent a support ticket to Fry’s but didn’t try to contact Guitar Center. This rarely bears fruit as support teams will find and fix the problem, but won’t do anything about finding the other problems that inevitably lurk on their site.


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