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32 search results for: guest post


14 Persuasive Writing Techniques That Trigger A Response

Here are fourteen persuasive writing techniques that will trigger a response from your visitors and withstand the test of time. Have you ever wondered why nobody is responding to your offers? Why do people read your landing pages and then leave? Why do people see your ads and keep scrolling? You have a great product. […]


The Social Video Starter Guide [INFOGRAPHIC]

This is a guest post by Ivan Serrano. The phrase “too long; didn’t read” has entered the lexicon of internet users worldwide, highlighting the importance of keeping things brief, so that’s what we’ll do here. The reasoning is simple: people are less likely to be distracted while watching and listening to a video, compared to […]


Build an Audience for your Video in 7 Days

This is a guest post by Mike Tyler. A leader without an audience is just a man yelling things. There comes a time when every marketer faces the decision of whether to pursue video as part of their marketing strategy. The difficulties in this venture come in several forms. For example, you’ll need to determine […]

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