My Most Popular Landing Page Presentation LIVE Online
My presentation “The Chemistry of the Landing Page” has been seen by thousands of (lucky?) marketers and business people. I think it’s one of my best.
The reason I think it is so popular is that it’s different every time. Each time I do it, I critique a different bunch of actual landing pages.
I start off by boiling the process of building a landing page into five components. Then I show you what makes people leave. Attendees usually start kicking themselves when at this point in the presentation.
But the fun starts when we start applying this to real landing pages. Things always get interesting.
Would you like to have your landing page reviewed by me? I promise that I’m gentle.
But even if you end up feeling a little embarrassed about your page – and everyone does – wouldn’t more sales, leads and subscribers make it worth the discomfort?
I recommend you submit your page for my April 10 presentation right now.
We start at 2:00 pm EDT on Thursday, April 10. The Webinar will be recorded.
PEOPLE LOVE THE LIVE PAGE CRITIQUES. So will you. You’ll never look at another landing page the same way.
Here’s a little sample of the questions I’m going to tackle.
- What is the one thing a landing page must get right?
- How do you “show the product” when you offer a service or content for download?
- What is “Abandon” and how do you get rid of it?
- How do you “borrow trust” for your landing page?
- What constitutes “proof?”
Won’t you join us? Even if you can’t attend live, register to see the replay, which will be recorded.
Let’s have some fun and make more sales.
Best regards,
Brian Massey, the Conversion Scientist
- Creating a Landing Page that Converts: 6 Essential Elements [Infographic] - December 4, 2024
- Confirmation Bias: What It Is and How It’s Hurting Your Website Conversions - August 20, 2024
- The Conversion Optimization Process for High Converting Websites - August 20, 2024
Really informative article. Read this recently: Outsourced
workers grind Unilever factory to a halt. Check it here: