A Landing Page for the Heart: Your Online Dating Profile [New Series]
You can’t get into website optimization without it leaking into the rest of your life. You see the world differently. At Conversion Sciences, we obsess about optimization and the affect on our lives is interesting.
We tally the coffee orders of those in line ahead of us to help with your decision.
We leave the house at the EXACT same time each day when trying alternative commutes. Of course we use the stopwatch for accuracy.
We do a quick evaluation of the speed of the grocery store checkout people before choosing a line.
And we optimize our dating lives.
We see this as an opportunity to introduce landing page concepts to a broader audience. Lots of people get excited about optimizing their dating profile. Landing page optimization makes the accountant smile. Dating profile optimization makes the heart smile.
Basically, we are appealing to your base nature to help you make more money in your business.Basically, we are appealing to your base nature to help you make more money in your business.
I would like to invite you into the world of optimization obsession by introducing you to a new series of blog posts coming your way: Optimize My Dating Life.
We asked Megan – one of our Conversion Scientists – to document an optimization project in which she applies everything she knows about increasing conversion rates to her online dating profile. Ultimately, a dating profile is nothing more than a lead-generating landing page, so it’s just waiting to be optimized.
How is an Online Dating Profile a Lead-Generating Landing Page?
A dating profile certainly serves a specific purpose. You know what that purpose is, but do the people who visit your profile? You’ve undoubtedly heard horror stories at happy hours from your single friends, or maybe you have a few stories of your own. Misunderstandings occurring as a result of a miscommunication on a dating profile.
For a time, my profile listed my favorite book as Batman: the Dark Knight Returns. I came to understand this was an error in judgment on my part. I went on dates with four different people who assumed I would be able to keep up in a conversation discussing the history of the Marvel (or is it DC?) universe. Just to clarify: I couldn’t keep up.
Maybe you’ve created a landing page for an expensive giveaway only to receive a bafflingly low quality and quantity of leads. Were you really communicating what you thought you were?
Previous research has determined that it all comes down to the picture. These studies were only measuring inquiries, the number of people who try to connect. We want to go deeper. We want to judge the quality of the connections.

Look at her, she’s adorbs. Who wouldn’t want to date that face?
Looks aren’t everything, right? Well, the right images are important — on your dating profile and on your landing pages.
We’ll be testing other important components of dating landing pages: trust builders, proof points and offers.
Yes, I said, “offers”. Will the right offer on a dating landing page make the difference? We can’t wait to find out.
Finally, we want to measure the quality of our “leads”. You’ve probably been on dates with people you chose because of their level of attractiveness only to find out they’re as interesting as elevator music. You’ve probably been approached by someone who saw your lovely little mug and that person wanted to ask you on a date without knowing anything about how smart and cool and interesting you are.
And you’ve probably visited a landing page with a design that was absolutely beautiful. A work of art. But for the life of you, couldn’t figure out what you were being asked to do.
What Are We Studying?
We will be attempting to make our little project as scientific as possible so that you will be better able to incorporate our successes (and avoid our failures) in your own landing pages.
Megan will be creating a few different dating profiles, and we will attempt to isolate the actual written content of her profile and her user pictures.

Example of a free-form question where answers could change across profiles and over the course of the project
okcupid tries to match people based on a series of questions, what each person is seeking by using the service, and location, and we will be keeping all of this information the same across all of the profiles so that she has a greater chance of showing up in the same searches for the same people.

Example of information that will be a control across all profiles

Example of information that will be a control across all profiles

Example of a potential okcupid question that will be a control across all profiles
Because lead-generation is the end goal, we will be measuring the quality and quantity of leads received on each of her profiles. Megan’s first task will be to create a quality matrix that will allow her to rate each of her leads and avoid relying on how physically attractive they are. So we’ll be looking at Megan’s own profile and making changes to increase the number of quality leads she receives, but we’ll also be looking at the potential leads’ profiles and rating them.
What’s a lead? Men who message her are her leads; conversions will be securing dates with said leads.
Will Megan rate leads higher when they mention their families? How will musicians fare? Are vegetarians a hard-pass? Be sure to read her next post to find out!
Use Our Love Lessons Learned to Build the Landing Page of Your Dreams
We’ll be writing posts as the project progresses. We really have no idea how things are going to turn out: will Megan find Mr. Right? Who knows, but we might as well make the search interesting.
As for your landing pages, generating leads is a bit more of a science than finding the love of your life, and for that reason, there’s a lot you can learn from dating profiles to help improve your landing page.
So here we go…we’ll keep you posted.
- 7 Simple & Effective Ways to Improve Your Email Open Rates - February 23, 2021
- The 3 Most Effective Marketing Strategies For Ecommerce Businesses - December 26, 2020
- Google Ads not Converting? Try These 4 Optimization Tricks - August 6, 2020
Looking forward to this
Guessing you know (and love) this TED talk…http://bit.ly/1eq3OWZ
Of course. We were inspired by Amy Webb. We should give her a hat tip here.