About Jacob McMillen

Jacob McMillen combines professional copywriting with clean web design, giving small-to-midsize businesses the high-converting websites they need to make meaningful online profits.

Entries by Jacob McMillen

8 Proven Strategies For Increasing PPC Campaign Conversion

What if I invited you to go on a trip to nowhere? Sounds absurd doesn’t it? Without knowing the ultimate destination, you can’t just pack your bags and leave. The same is true with PPC. The ultimate destination of a PPC campaign is the conversion, and when it comes to getting new users in your conversion funnel, few […]

How Will You Optimize In 2017?

2017 is just around the corner, and that means a new year with a fresh batch of goals and milestones. If you increased your website’s conversion rate by 10%, how would that affect your business’ overall growth this year? How would that accelerate your career or revolutionize your bottom line? Now’s the time to get […]

The Proven AB Testing Framework Used By CRO Professionals

There is no shortage of AB testing tips, tricks, and references to statistical significance. Here is a proven AB testing framework that guides you to consistent, repeatable results. How do conversion optimization professionals get consistent performance from their AB testing programs? If you are looking for a proven framework you can use to approach any website and methodically derive […]

Intro to AB Testing: What Is An A/B Test?

What is AB Testing? How does split testing work? Who should run AB tests? Discover the Conversion Scientists’ secrets to running an A/B test. AB testing, also referred to as “split”, A/B test or “ABn” testing, is the process of testing multiple variations of a web page in order to identify higher-performing variations and improve […]

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