About Craig Andrews

Craig Andrews is the Principal Ally and founder of internet marketing agency allies4me. Andrews brings extensive scientific and marketing expertise to allies4me. Over the last 25 years, his experience has spanned search engine optimization, internet marketing software, biomedical and semiconductors. Andrews is backed by a team of marketing allies who support start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.

In recent years, clients have been seeking guidance from allies4me on Social Media strategies. Rather than jumping on the latest hype, Andrews sought to understand Social Media through solid metrics across large data sets. The result is an unconventional and insightful approach to Social Media. Testing and data driven decisions advise all areas of allies4me work. Solid metrics and disciplined parsing of data is where allies4me clients find results. You can connect with Craig Andrews on Google+ and LinkedIn.  You can find allies4me on LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter.

Entries by Craig Andrews

My Internet Marketing Oedipus Complex: The Confirmation Bias

By avoiding our online marketing confirmation bias or Oedipus Complex we lay the path to greater insights and greater profitability. This is a guest post by Craig Andrews. Sorry, no salacious stories about sons killing their father and sleeping with their mother. But in Oedipus Rex, Sophocles had insights about Online Marketing more than 2 […]

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